As with “Without Bullets!” you must do this at a military base or a Centcom. This Was Supposed to be a Western – To tick this one off you’ll need to liberate an entire military base without leaving a vehicle. Although the trophy specifies enemy, you can actually tether a friendly soldier, which is far easier. This trophy is earned by tethering a soldier to one of those and sending him skyward. My Little Rocket Man – You might have noticed the large gas cylinders around enemy Outposts that launch like rockets when shot. We recommend the Military Base “Vis Electra” in the Baia Province of Insula Fonte as it’s very easy.
This must be done at either a military base or a Centcom. Instead, you will have to rely on your tether or melee weapon. This trophy is earned by liberating a military base without using any sort of projectile weapon. Without Bullets! – Liberating bases is a major part of Just Cause 3. Simple, just get the other 47 trophies for Just Cause 3 listed below to earn your crown! Fortunately, we’ve put together a handy trophy guide to help you on your way to that elusive platinum, so without further ado, let’s get trophy hunting. The scale of Just Cause 3 certainly presents a bit of a challenge, but we’ve compiled a handy guide you can use as a reference.
In order to obtain all 48 trophies, you’ll need to traverse across the game’s epic landscape and tick off a range of different objectives. Medici is the enormous open world setting of Just Cause 3, and it’s absolutely packed with content. How to Get Every Trophy and the Platinum in Just Cause 3